3 - End Game

Back to 2 - The Crime

Piyush visited me in the lockup.
‘Grandma had found that I was embezzling with the accounts of her investments,' he told me, savouring on my pathetic situation. 'And have already had a huge sum in my name. I was planning to get her signatures somehow on papers to grab the property too but there was no time now.
She had already chucked my name from the new will and declared everything in your name since you had mended your ways. But she had not given this new will to the lawyer. Lawyer was out of country for long.
There was not much time. I was surprised when you became such a nice boy and joined a lowly job of a security guard. I started keeping an eye on you and regular eves dropping paid me well. One day I heard you talking to Rakesh on your cellphone. I clandestinely engaged these thieves to break into the building at the set time when you were not there.
I dropped the secret tip to Inspector Jangid where would he find the thieves as their statement is the last nail in your coffin. I didn’t tell you that doc had changed grandma’s medicine. I let the old medicine remain on grandma’s side.
You came home, changed the medicine and went off. I was watching and waiting. Grandma took the dinner at usual 7:30 PM, took your killer medicine at 8 PM before hitting the pillow. Once she closed her eyes, I strangulated her. Poor, weak, old bird couldn’t even struggle and died instantly. Rest you know.’
‘You scoundrel! Swine! How could you do this to your own brother?’ I growled with eyes blurring with tears.
‘Haah! Look who is talking!! My dear little brother, one important lesson in killing someone – always check that other possible suspects are not up to framing you at the same time you are busy framing them.’
That last lesson was too late for me.
The lawyer from police had told me that I will get at least ten years if not death by hanging.


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